!!!stop racist police killings!!!
now live from 00h cet http://radiotonka.org or d/l afterwards
00-01 hr > https://media.denhaagfm.nl/audio/denhaagfm/202006050000.mp3
speaking out in solidarity via audio collage / gil scott-heron::a sign of the ages / wladimir m::evil / hieroglyphic being & j.i.t.u ahn - sahm - buhl::fuck the ghetto.think about outer space
01-02 hr > https://media.denhaagfm.nl/audio/denhaagfm/202006050100.mp3
kraftwerk::the model::utrecht dom carillion / shit cluster::beyond a joke / film "second audition" audio extract::guy tavares & danny wolfers / santa cruz::child / mik quantius::live iso-mass / kraus live
02-03 hr > https://media.denhaagfm.nl/audio/denhaagfm/202006050200.mp3
kraftwerk::the model::utrecht dom carillion / kemper norton::live @ theneonhospice.com 30 may 2020 / sexton ming's porridge van & the vitamin b12::buttered toast with honey / kraus outtro
if nothing happened try again